Digging. Today was an exciting day, as exciting as de-turfing a playing field with two of your best mates gets, which turns out is pretty fun, especially when 6 litres of kick is involved. Feels like real progress, i cant wait for the summer.

The worlds a playground, your know that when your a kid, but somewhere along the way you forget it.
Boxing day, Family day, Fun day, Wii day too it seems. Ive never seen grandads get so competitive and into a games console, i think bowling resembles bowls to an extent. It would seem all the excitement is over for another year, but i have something just as, if not more exciting planned for next week i really can not wait for. Woke up to The Ramones this morning, i love digital radio, and radio 6.
This song is amazingly awsome, the prospect of more Billy Corgan is great. Smashing pumpkins are just one giant experiment, it will never conclude to anything but tasty sounds.
Christmas! Always enjoyable, it got me thinking though, I'm possibly the most atheist person going. My opinion is, this Jesus guy, was the first ever illusionist, Darren Brown of yesteryear. Water into wine? no, just slight of hand. Feeding 5000? nah, tricks of the mind. The bible is merely a form of events or shows one devotee fan documented. If Darren Brown went back 2000 odd years and did then what hes doing now would we celebrate his birthday? Anyway whilst thinking these stupid thoughts i made sure no snow went untouched in my red speaceboots. There Red.

Dads last Xmas present finally came! I'm so excited for him opening it, it will make a change from the mundane socks and chocolates, i like to see him enjoy music, and try to dance to it. The Specials if I'm honest i get quite into it too.

Feel like HAG I'm usually never ill, but haven't even got the energy to go and play in the snow, whats going on? Apparently Guarana is good for you, Ive just drank a whole 710ml bottle of 'rockstar' whilst watching Brighton ain't ready with Sam, so if I'm not feeling better, I'm at least going to be bouncing off walls for the rest of the day. Even the trailer to this film is killer.

I have NEVER been so excited about a Christmas number one, nor will i ever be as excited i highly doubt. Rage against the machine, well, Raged against the X-Factory machine that chokes out karaoke singles. I couldn't believe how dumb founded Joe Mc' seemed, he had never heard of or listened to RATM until this Christmas, and in an interview, when asked what kind of music he liked he simply said 'chart' last time i looked that wasn't exactly a genre. Chuffed.
SNOW and a lot of it, i hope to go sledging today once I've finished advertising the new hubs for my company fatality BMX. 4 days and counting.

Fair to say everyones feeling the cold. Busy busy day.
Dont like the cold, dont enjoy sleeping on small sofas, dont like the taste of mushroom cream soup.
I do enjoy catching up with old friends, spur of the moment hair cuts, skinny jeans, boats and birds by Gregory and the hawk, and most importantly fatality BMX dub hubs.
Well, it did talk of snow, but none as yet, just cold monotonous rain. how boring! I think Gypsy dog appreciates a chocolate a day more than me, the advent calenders by her bed now.
After about 3 years of meetings and false hope we've finally got the go ahead to start making Market Rasen trails. This is really exciting. As the council members all stated, never before has something been pursued for so long. Next Tuesday sees the start, i look forward to it.
I supposed i could have exaggerated the size of the fish, anyway, here's my latest drawing, still not upto par. I need to draw more often. Bought a new jumper today £3 air ambulance shop, bargain.
If the phrase 'its quality not quantity' stood for everythnig, could i swap my new crispy £20 note for a couple of tatty ones?
Wet weather is awful, spent more time inside this weekend than any weekend for as long as i remember, although i have been sat in my 50p chair with the new magazine for the past hour.
Nothings ever original, everythings inspired.

I have my 2010 calender already, a Monet one, i still think Claude was short sighted, his paintings look very similar to what mine would if i wasn't wearing my contact lenses, i don't know what opticians were like in the 18 hundreds.

Yeah Mike! Mike Aitken has rode his first rail since a major crash of late last yeah that left him partially paralyzed, amazingly hes made a full recovery, happy days.
I'm getting a state of the art 3D eye scan soon, and have been given a lesson on the signs of a detached retina and what action to take, not really an air of confidence with all the eye doctors just lately.
Ive made a make shift light box, im going to make a better wooden one this week ive decided, but for now this will do.
How ace does the sky look today, usually i edit my blog photos with and Agfa film tint but decided against it on this pic. Admittedly an awful picture, but you get the idea. Being sat inside all day is dire, waiting for deliveries. Drawing time now, and the fact im getting paid for them makes it a whole lot more fun.

I came across this amazing blog yesterday and sat up for about an hour reading it and laughing, its about 2 milk teeth 'ickle and Lardee' have a look I'm sure you wont be disappointed. www.mymilktoof.blogspot.com
A head full of ideas but no ways to implement them, it gets me frustrated sometimes. Staining my wood floor is a bore, rage against the machine has been today's music, Ive spent over £100 on Christmas presents, I'm sure all parties receiving should be pretty chuffed though. Happy days.
Mop chop day! It always ends up shorter than i imagined, but hair grows back so there is nothing to fret about, i kept the length on one side, i don't know why, i figured it might look half decent. I gave my £2 food money to a charity man today at the Lincoln market, something about organic farms, he didn't explain himself clearly and ended up giving me a book called 'Srimad Bhagavatam' apparently about 'his Davine grace,' made me wonder just how genuine this farm thing actually was, but hey ho.
I found this band, i think through friends, about 2 years ago via myspace, at the time they had a handful of friends and not very big at all only performing around there home in London, all of a sudden there appearing everywhere, and its amazing to see. I love there homemade sound, its very different. The XX

THIS is getting me excited, a campaign to make RATM Christmas number one, such a fantastic idea. A quote from the face book group "I love to see the people take the power, it's a beautiful thing. We can do this." The thing that makes this even better is this was RTAM's ethos on everything, Ive got my fingers crossed!
I like car journeys with nan, topics range from how every puzzle in the Freshwater bay Library on the Isle of wight always had a piece missing, to why we should vote BNP in the next election.
Why is our Christmas tree up on the 4th of December?

I wonder what we look like to other people, today whilst riding in Lincoln with my BMX friends we were approached by an old lady, 'i can tell you don't pay council tax' she said followed by a dirty look of disgust, as if we had done something wrong for being on our bikes and enjoying ourselves.
Five minutes later a middle aged man came over, at first looking angry with us, later offered a fag to who ever could pull the best trick, he joined in with our ranting and raving, laughing in time. When he left both himself and all of us had smiles, as well as a few fags that were being handed round.
Stereotyping is a big insult in my opinion
Am i being rude to ask for an extra glass of ice with a pint of cider, of course i don't want it in my drink, then i wont get as much!
Needless to say a good time was had at Uncle Dave's surprise 40th, i love this picture, rarely, if ever have i seen a photo of my mum, dad and sister looking so happy! One of the birthday boy aswell.
December 1st and the first ground frost of the winter today.
I hate rushing, i don't enjoy stickering wheel rims, i cant stand loosing the feeling in my fingers.
I do enjoy meeting new and interesting friends, knowing I'm paying off an investment, Georges in car warmth machine and the sound of Soko
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