
Is it ironic, i come home from a house party after 45 minutes to avoid being submerged with drugged up zombies, to watch a film mainly about drugs and its influence? I don't mean to sound like a boring fart or someone who regards them self as 'better' because i choose not to do this kind of stuff, but there is nothing i really cant stand more than peoples in decisions that putting stuff up there nose is the only way to conclude a decent night with friends. The reason we become friends with people is usually through common interests and personalities, all of which i think are lost through these chemicals.

It doesn't seem 5 minutes ago we could spend all evenings into the early hours riding bikes, listening to whatever band we had screen printed on the appropriate black hoody and having a laugh, maybe I'm stuck in the past, maybe I'm content. I think Scroobious pips song i posted yesterday has more meaning than i can write in a blog. Small town syndrome.

I have a head of ideas for a new website, hopefully i can work them out, should be exciting. Rain is boring, less than 8 weeks till spring. I'm looking forward to smelling it and the sudden rise in temperature, and the appearance of dirt jumps after our had work. Fun.

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