This may be a long one, so hear me out. Infact, press play on the video while you read.
Last night Ashley picked me up for a kind of last minute excursion to see the ram raid play in Grimsby. Talking shite like we always do on the way we, like always reminisced of times past, and just how scarily time flies. The last song played in the car before we got to the gig bought back floods of memories from my late teens (18/19) when i had my bike shop. And it felt great.
This song is by no means a decent song, and this version is very seedy and rough, but, it is the only version, and this is how we remember it. When i hear this i remember one very overplayed DVD called
PROPS Best of 2002 it was an old and free DVD i picked up years prior, this wasn't one of the soundtracks to this DVD funnily enough, but it was one from another DVD
(Roadfools 14) equally aged in the shops DVD player though
. When Friday came many late nights were spent wedged 5 up on my dirty old sofa in the back of the shop,
Props on the TV, vodka in our Tesco smoothies and the special offer four X lager from forbuoys. Regardless of the shop, we all felt carefree, it was bliss. Setting the shop alarm late at night drunk and not seeing the buttons straight proved interesting. Rasen Bikes.