
Love this picture, props to Sammys blog!

Someone should do a human size wheres wally, get this guy to go and stand in huge crowds and take massive wide angles pictures. Yes?


  1. haha yes! Ben YOU! order a guy or better, force a friend, take your camera and make it come true :)
    btw i love dandelions xxxx

  2. (: it's such a sick picture right? you should check out www.appletoothpaste.tumblr.com www.moshnaked.tumblr.com and www.withlovefromaheavyheart.tumblr.com

    i'm pretty sure i got that picture from one of them.

    ps, that would totally rule being wally and doing that! you should do it.

  3. a friend of mine, who was in NY here saw a guy doing that outside a mall a few weeks ago, there was some mini animae thing going on inside with reni mimura there singing, but she called me all excited to tell me she found waldo XD
    you should do it. it'd be a fun way to meet people lol


What say yee?