
I'm most probably quite selfish. The other day when Coxy and myself were on a bike ride, Coxy expressed how everyone should be able to see these views, and just how nice they are. Now, I've always figured these views are best kept for people who make the effort to climb the hills, and get off there... Yeah. Anyway. I went out on a bike ride with a different ethos tonight, with a camera in my bag.

This picture has not been tampered with AT ALL, this is straight off an SD card.

Not a happy end.

Anyway, hope you like them.

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and god. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be - Anne Frank.


So, me and Coxy went on a bike ride.
We went pretty far actually!

And of course the new bike!
Smooth road
Warm weather
Cold Magners
Dragging up hills
Worthwhile downhills
Good company
Afternoon naps
Sugar Free Energy drink
Happy days

To be happy for an hour, get drunk; To be happy for a year, fall in love; to be happy for life, take up gardening. - Chinese proverb

I think its fitting to change 'take up gardening' to 'buy a bike.' Yes.



Hopefully getting my new road bike today. Excited!
Almost as excited as this turkey
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet - James Oppenheim

Dad's birthday next Monday, He got 3 rose plants yesterday as an early one from a few people (he's a gardener.) I've been taking some pictures of his favourite current rose (the William Shakespeare.) Going to go get this enlarged for him, not the best photo, not too sure about the font now either hmmm.

Glastonbury anyone?


I've had this phone for a good few years now, it's served me well i guess.
I've been very reluctant to get a new phone.
Luckily the replacement is identical. Good Times!

Most definitely a Stereophonics day today. So, pick a part that's new.

To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness. - Bertrand Russel


I found these pics on Liz's blog, they IS exactly how i see my future house being, its incredible, love it.
It's been so hot today, like, SO HOT. I'm not complaining, i want my road bike to hurry itself up and get here.

The greatest mistake a man could make is to be affraid of making one - Elbert Hubbard


It is the longest day of the year today!
Well, still 24 hours worth, but today has more sun.

I found this picture from the AC DC set at download, kind of shows you the amount of people, i was at the very front right hand side.

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. - George Bernard Shaw

There's a lot of skill in this short clip, i like. Have a go.



After a third weekend spent in a sleeping bag out of Lincolnshire. Bubble Wrap is too comfy to lay on i discovered.

I took a few quick pictures as i was working. But they sum up the weekend i think, would have liked to take more really. Best thing about the weekend was catching up with a good friend. For sure. Do a wheelie? (Me and Jay made a sign) what you don't see is the two drop down signs from this one, one saying 'lame' the other 'win' depending on the effort made to abide.

Again the dreaded tilt shift, still didn't really work, uphill?
The Mexican world champion? i beg to differ.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give - Winston Churchill


I haven't seen my natural blonde hair colour in a summer for 3 years, i forgot how light it was.

Off for the weekend again, quite looking forward to it. No blogging till at least Sunday Eve.

I think you should click on the link below and give your ears something to wake up too. Please! (Juice + Syrup)


Yay, 'Congratulations' are the re-formed Eskimo and sons, this makes me very happy, this new song is perfect for a morning times. My cuppa tea is dancing aswell, or maybe i have it turned up too much. Nah

Okay, SO

If anyone has been good enough, and bored enough i imagine, to read my blog, you would know I've been putting together a bit of album artwork for my uncle. It's pretty much done now, i guess i can share one of my images up here.
I've had a really nice Monet calender up in my room this year and never used it. I'm going to go draw on it.

Let me know what you think of my new favourite song.

For a greedy man, even his tomb is too small. - Tajikistani Proverb

OH AND this is on the way!


'You are currently in que position 1'

Beware of little expenses; A small leak will sink a great ship - Benjamin Franklin

Assumption is often wrong, i assume. - Benjamin Hildred

Yeah i made that last one up on a bike ride yasterday.


This may be a long one, hear me out.


Download - A 30 year old rock festival taken place at Donington park every year, originally called 'monsters of rock' then 'Ozzfest,' the line-up has often included Iron Maiden, ACDC, Black Sabbath, Slipknot, Van Halen, Meat Loaf, Motley Crew to name a few.

A few of my friends went this year, the line up, again looked amazing, ACDC and Rage Against the Machine obviously grabbed my attention. Jealous was I.

So when my friend Sam Offered me a free ticket to go and see them, it had to be done really! although i did question whether it was a good idea or not, I am so, so glad i went, absolutely incredible. ACDC were, i don't know really, i don't think you can argue with a steam engine exploding onto stage and 21 cannons firing into the audience between firework displays and church bells hanging from the purpose made stage.

But of course. Without a doubt, possibly the most amazing 2 hours ever, possibly period, was seeing Rage, i can not describe. There was a moment, that if you could save an image in your mind USB and keep hold of it. Tom Morello stood, silhouetted in the Rage red star, fist in the air, with 'Arm the Homeless' painted across his guitar. Just. Wow.

I no longer know what to write. Below is the UK 2009 Christmas number one from last night, i was stood right near this guy just a bit to the right, Sam is in the middle of the frame, long hair, taller than the rest, fist in the air. Fun times.


I love these short stories, the new one is a must read, so here's your link.

Today, there are three kinds of people: 1. The have's 2. The have-not's 3. The have-not-paid-for-what-they-have's
Earl Wilson

Tilt Shift movies are amazing.

Enough blogging for one day, work to do. Yes.


Make money your god and it will plague you like the devil - Henry Fielding
Another from Scotland, looks better enlarged

Unity - That's the one thing I'm looking forward too when this world cup comes around, in every bar and place in England. Look forward to experiencing it. Even though it will have a backdrop of football. Cringe.

Oh yeah and i passed my theory text thing today.


So, back in the flat lands.

Never want to come back from Fort William, i took some pictures, not many. I only wanted to get one decent tilt shift photo. Didn't really work.

Here you go.

Ride home. . .
Never understood the term 'R.I.P / rest in peace' doesn't make sense to me, i mean, if your not alive its going to be very peaceful I'm sure, and when you rest its generally to slow down your heart beat and calm down, neither of which are kind of necessary, so its hardly fitting wishing someone to rest in peace. I don't know, take no notice . All I'll say is 'Have a nice day' Shaun Rossington.


It's that time of year again.

Fort William mountain bike world cup.

I've sat with the cursor flashing over for a few minutes, and yeah, still don't know what to write to express my excitement, or to the extent i love this place so much. So I'm hoping my pictures from the event will speak there thousand words without the use of a keyboard.


Very corny promo, but it gives me goosebumps.


Hey Ben

Keep me posted on whatever you have going on over there and i will
make sure we get stuff online whenever there is news. I thought the
front hub looks amazing by the way, i might have to get one off you at
some point soon. Cheers Ben!


Ah email like that from people high up in the BMX industry do get me excited, this is Fred editor of DIG MAG, exciting times.


This word is possibly a word i despise the most, its a very effortless and over used adjective, i admit I'm an arse for using it a lot too. It doesn't actually mean anything, other than, 'satisfying, but not awesome and amazing' or 'okay, okay that's fine with me.' Gah. I think I'm going to go on a 'cool' detox. But also, labelling someone as COOL, surely that means there okay but not great? there not Red Hot nor Ice Cold, there just average. Meh. Shut up Ben

Now this song is cool . . . . . yes i know i know

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